We empower communities for self-sustainable transformation

Each of our individual programs falls under four larger categories: Trauma Recovery & Reconciliation, Economic Development, Peacebuilding, and Youth Empowerment. CARSA’s cell groups are 20-30 person groups that are formed at the conclusion of each Empower workshop where participants spend 7 days learning to identify their heart wounds and treat them with the medicinal practice of forgiveness. The cell groups meet together regularly to support each other's healing or reconciliation journeys, provide accountability for goals, identify community issues, and initiate peacebuilding and development projects of their own. Arrows pointing to the cell groups represent programs and training that are offered to those gatherings specifically, while arrows pointing to the whole community represent programs that operate for or with community members outside of our cell groups. As we pursue our vision of peace, solidarity, unity, and sustainable development in our post-conflict society, we are constantly evolving to meet the holistic needs of the communities we serve. In the following sections, we will outline and summarize each program (or arrow) in the diagram.