Get Involved

There are many ways that you can get involved: Speak out, pray, donate or leave a gift, and take action to release people from trauma, poverty, and illiteracy.


Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Partner with us

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.


Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Pray with us

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.


Thank you very much for your interest in contributing to sustainable peacebuilding and holistic development at CARSA. We regularly offer academic and professional internships, as well as volunteering opportunities, and we encourage you to explore the available slots:

  • Empower Workshop Speaker

  • Reconciliation Cell Group Leader

  • Mental Health Specialist

  • Youth Peace Education Speaker

  • Peace Conversation Circle Panelist 

  • Community Peace Farm Program Instructor

  • Financial Management Educators 

  • Entrepreneurship training

  • Life Skills Trainer

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To receive updates from CARSA, including about our latest journals, magazines, newsletters, tools, reports, campaigns and webinars, and examples of how we are making change in the communities we are working in, please enter your details.

We believe that to have a society that is filled with peace, solidarity, and unity and an end to extreme poverty is possible, and everyone can play their part. Whatever you do will make a huge difference. So put your faith in action